Orvall Corporate Designs
Orvall Corporate Designs (OCD) was established in 2012 by Themba Orvall Maluleke, an entrepreneur with over 18 years of experience with various architectural firms in the built environment. As a senior architect for seven years at Total Facilities Management Company (now Bidvest Facilities Management) Themba oversaw the national development of Telkom stores in various retail centres around South Africa.
Themba then started OCD, which quickly grew to become the preferred consultant for Bidvest Facilities Management in Most of the Telkom projects. The company has also partnered with many multi-national and international companies in the Built environment field. To-date Orvall Corporate Designs is providing professional consulting services to big corporations like Telkom, Clover, Transnet, DBSA ,PIC, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipalities (EMM) and many more.
OCD has an impeccable record in all fields of architectural designs and space planning. Its ambition is to explore new markets and trends, and to differentiate from its competitors by providing better services and solutions to its clientele base.
Mission Statement
To provide high profile executive corporate designs and quality service at a cost effective rate. To satisfy clients’ diverse needs and to strive for customer satisfaction at all times.To form partnerships that can deliver new, sustainable visions for the way business is to be seen in the future
Design Philosophy
Dedicated to crafting unique projects for our clients, Orvall Corporate Group has an unwavering commitment to quality over quantity. Testament to this commitment, our design philosophy seeks to incorporate an ambience of luxury, while creating modern and sustainable structures.
Impactful and sustainable companies like Orvall Corporate Group require a great culture as well as a strict ethical code. Reflecting the values that shape us, Orvall Corporate Group is committed to legal, moral and ethical conduct that upholds accountability, demands outstanding leadership and consistently seeks to further our corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Corporate Governance
With adhering to international best practice our top priority, Orvall Corporate Group relies on a comprehensive, consistent and integrated corporate governance model. We strive to operate both efficiently and transparently, while maintaining our commitment to creating social and environmentally conscious environments. Our tailored corporate governance model further enables us to mitigate risks, eliminate opportunity for mismanagement and provide long-term employment to those most in need of skills development.
OCD was selected as a Finalist in the Vision 2030 Awards, click here to view our Certificate